Health Services

Health Services at Tonalea Day School
Tonalea Day School offers a holistic learning environment to support our student’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Providing comprehensive health services for Tonalea students is a top priority. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals, teachers, and specialists provides routine check-ups, health education workshops, medication administration, and emergency preparedness.
Routine Check-ups
Our health services team monitors student conditions by conducting regular assessments. As students grow, there are many changes such as height, weight, vision, and hearing. Routine check-ups help us identify potential health concerns and collaborate with parents/guardians and healthcare providers to take appropriate actions.
Health Education
Leading a long, healthy life is about making the right choices. Our Health Services team equips our Wildcats with the knowledge they need to choose correctly regarding their nutritional options, hygiene standards, social-emotional health awareness, and more. The healthy habits our students practice at Tonalea Day School will support and enhance their lifelong learning.
Medication Administration
Our Health Services team is experienced in assisting students with any medication administration needs during school hours. We adhere to every guideline and protocol to protect your child, including complying with (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) HIPAA and medication storage laws.
Emergency Preparedness
Our Health Services team always plans for the best but prepares for the worst. Emergencies beyond anyone’s control can happen during the school year, so our team implements emergency response plans.
Tonalea Day School fosters optimal health among all students so they continue thriving academically and socially. We welcome you to contact our Health Services team with any questions or concerns. Collaboration with families is vital in ensuring we provide your child with the best care possible.